Forestry Services
Long before "Green" became fashionable, Bingaman owners and employees worked hard to promote healthy, prolific forests in Pennsylvania. It's what we do.
About 70% of Pennsylvania forest lands are owned by private, non-industry landowners. As caretakers of this vast resource, Bingaman Forestry teams follow proven "Best Management Practices" (BMP).
Since 1953, the US Forest Service confirms that twice as much volume is growing in Pennsylvania's forests than is harvested, proving that modern forestry following BMP works (USFS Forest Resources of the United States, 2012, Table 20, p52).
Bingaman is committed to healthy forests forever, and continues to support education for landowners, foresters and logging personnel.
To fulfill our responsibility as a commercial user and supplier of our valuable forest resource, we support the following principles:
- The use of Best Management Practices in all forest harvests.This practice implements specific utilization and plans for each harvest site to improve residual growth and regeneration for future generations.
- Timber harvests must consider complete environmental impact; including but not limited to soil erosion, water quality and existing plant life for each harvest conducted.
- Timber harvests must consider wildlife impact. Each harvest plan must consider the sustainability and improvement of existing wildlife habitat for future generations.
- We support the complete utilization of wood products and its residues. We will continue to work towards more effective ways to reduce waste and efficiently use our forest resources.
- The conduct of our operations must eliminate unacceptable environmental risks to our customers, employees, neighbors and communities in which we operate. We comply with the spirit of all applicable laws and regulations.
We will be actively involved and support education in the value and use of our forest resources. This includes employees, wood product users, landowners and the general public.